Canada Predictive Maintenance Inc  offers specialized laser alignment, vibration Analysis and dynamic balancing of rotors training seminars. Our classes can be held at your site for your convenience with the least interruption to your workflow, or they can be held at ours facilities in Toronto , Canada or Orlando, Florida, USA.

Canada Predictive Maintenance Inc also offers seminars in specific cities across the Canada. We already have a presence in Alberta, Vancouver and Toronto, among other cities.

After 26 years in the market, Canada Predictive Maintenance’s knowledgeable and experienced laser alignment and vibration analysis instructors are leaders in the field. Our certified professionals will train your plant maintenance staff to work smartly and operate the latest  Technology.

Our hands-on laser alignment , vibration analysis and dynamic balancing of rotor courses run for two or three days. The courses covers from the fundamentals in laser alignment techniques, to performing a proper dynamic movement study (thermal growth). We provide shaft alignment API 686-compliance certification for your plant maintenance staff.

Training seminars include :
◦A workbook and printed notes to keep
◦Alignment training simulator
◦Dynamic balancing training simulator
◦Vibration analysis tool
◦Dynamic balancing tool
◦Laser alignment tool
◦Examinations and Certification of compliance

(1-289) 400.8672 
Canada Predictive Maintenance Training

Training according to your needs
Provide comprehensive solutions for predictive maintenance using the latest technology with highly trained professionals and committed to continuosly improving the  operation of equipment and machinery.
2059 Deer run avenue, Burlington , Canada, On
Canada - USA - Latin America and Beyond
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