Canada Predictive Maintenance Inc. ,  has teams of experts around the world, available to provide specialized business solutions that align with client needs. Major hub facilities are located in North America, and South America.
Our commitment to systematization and standardization allows our people to focus on what is important.
We measure success by the satisfaction of our clients. We are committed to providing a level of service that provides our clients with the confidence to make timely, accurate and informed decisions.
At Canada Predictive Maintenance, we are committed to the health and safety of our people, the environment and the communities in which we operate; allowing us to establish long-lasting relationships with clients and make positive contributions to the regions in which we live and work.
Our Values are simple and we incorporate these in our daily operations, never forgetting the foundations of our success:
Honesty and Integrity
Exceeding Client Expectations
Belief in our Ability
Hard Work and Continuous Improvement
Doing it Better
Celebrating Success
Safety as a Priority
So what is The Canada Predictive Maintenance difference? It’s simple: RELIABILITY - QUALITY - LEADERSHIP - TRUST.
The reassurance to know you are working with a Winning Team. We are all working towards the same goal - our team is your team!


(1-289) 400.8672 
About Us

We have built our reputation on quality, client service, innovation, and technical excellence
Provide comprehensive solutions for predictive maintenance using the latest technology with highly trained professionals and committed to continuosly improving the  operation of equipment and machinery.
2059 Deer run avenue, Burlington , Canada, On
Canada - USA - Latin America and Beyond
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